Note: Are rawhides bad for dogs? Do your own research, of course. What I give my canine ought to not identify what you give yours.
I used to give my canine rawhides of all kinds – those white, knotted rawhides, rawhide chips and those little rawhide sticks.
Ace would chew them all, and he never had any issues.
Rawhides are processed animal skins (typically beef or pork, in some cases buffalo). certainly they’re not “raw.”
A few years ago I started hearing from other canine owners that rawhides are bad for dogs.
The warnings I received just for mentioning the word rawhide were:
1. Dogs can’t digest rawhides “at all.”
2. Rawhides are made with chemicals.
3. Rawhides are a choking hazard.
4. They “will” cause an intestinal blockage.
So without doing my own research, I stopped purchasing rawhides for Ace.
To be honest, something even worse happened.
I stopped buying chews for my dog all together because I was afraid everything would harm him! It seems everything comes with a cautioning these days. worry is a big marketing tool.
When I do purchase chews for my dogs today, my list includes:
Bully sticks
Beef Trachea Chews
Nylabones (the non-edible kind)
Obviously no chew or bone is 100 percent safe.
See our list of alternatives to rawhides here.
But are rawhides bad for dogs and puppies?
Since we recently got a second dog, I wanted to re-visit rawhides and make up my own mind. 2018 update: My senior canine Ace has passed away. I give my young canine certain rawhides on occasion.
I chose I’m comfortable adding the best types of rawhides to the mix for both my dogs in moderation.
Rawhides are not the greatest thing in the world, and there are small risks to feeding rawhides as there are risks to giving any other type of chew or bone.
So let’s re-visit those “warnings” I discussed and see if there’s any truth to them.
1. Dogs can’t digest rawhides. pravda nebo lež?
Millions of dogs consume and digest rawhides with no issues. They eat small pieces at a time.
The potential problems occur when a dog swallows large chunks, “knots” or soft, unraveled strips of rawhide. In rare cases, dogs are unable to digest or pass these large chunks.
Safety tip: choose rawhides that are large for your canine and take them away when they become soft or small enough to swallow.
2. Rawhides are made with chemicals. pravda nebo lež?
True, some much more than others.
There are a lot of articles out there on how rawhides are made. It’s not pretty.
Rawhides are a by-product of the leather industry, so you can only imagine the kinds of chemicals used for preserving and cleaning the hides as they are made and shipped in various areas of the world. Here’s a pretty fair short article from the whole canine Journal on how rawhides are made.
You can also find rawhides that are made best here in the united states from start to finish and with fewer chemicals.
A brand I trust:
Wholesome Hide
Click here to purchase Wholesome hide on Amazon
Safety tip: Don’t purchase just any brand. Don’t count on labels that say “all natural” or “made in USA.” Instead, do a lot of research on how the exact product is made start to finish. Ask questions if you can’t find the information. brands that care will be pleased to answer your questions in details.
3. Rawhides are a choking hazard. pravda nebo lež?
True, although rare.
Any type of chew or bone for dogs can be a choking hazard.
Rawhides have a bad rap because:
A. They get really “gummy” as they soften so it’s easy for a canine to swallow a long strip of rawhide.
B. Some dogs gulp or swallow the knotted ends or large chunks of rawhide. Ace does this!
C. Some people give their dogs rawhides that are too small to begin with.
Safety tips: choose large rawhides. avoid rawhides with knotted ends. Take the rawhide away once it gets soft and “gummy.” Take the rawhide away once it is small enough for your canine to swallow. Dohlížet.
4. Rawhides could cause an intestinal blockage. pravda nebo lež?
True, although rare.
You will hear stories about dogs that needed surgery to remove a rawhide, but how numerous millions of dogs chew rawhides with no issues? For me, it’s about knowing your dog, supervising and taking the rawhide away before your canine has a chance to gulp large chunks.
Other types of bones and chews such as antlers or raw beef bones can also cause an intestinal blockage.
Additional concerns with rawhides:
1. A lot of dogs seem to have beef allergies and many rawhides are made with beef. If that’s the case, I recommend rawhide made from buffalo hide.
2. Some owners report rawhides give their dogs upset stomachs due to contamination. To je důvod, proč je tak důležité zkoumat přesně odkud pochází surovina.
Žádná psí kosti, hračka nebo žvýkání je 100 % bezpečná.
Každý typ žvýkání tam pravděpodobně způsobil, že se psů – někdy někde – někde – dusí, onemocní nebo má střevní zablokování nebo potřebuje pohotovostní chirurgii.
Pokud máte pro svého psa oblíbený „jděte na“, je to pravděpodobně někde jiným majitelem psů „nebezpečné“.
Parohy jsou velmi silné a někteří psi by si mohli v průběhu času zlomit zuby.
Syrové hovězí kosti se mohou zlomit nebo se uložit do střev psa.
Vařené kosti, které si můžete zakoupit pro psy v obchodech pro domácí zvířata nebo obchodech s potravinami, mohou roztřídit a způsobit vnitřní poškození.
Ale psi by měli něco žvýkat!
Žvýkání udržuje jejich čelisti, zuby a dásně zdravé
Je to pro ně něco zábavného a odlehčovaného napětí
Pokud jim neposkytneme žvýkání, něco najdou
Pokud se rozhodnete krmit suroviny, zde jsou moje tipy:
1. Poznejte svého psa.
Všichni psi jsou odlišní a znáte nejlépe žvýkací styl vašeho psa.
2. Vyberte si značku moudře.
Zkoumejte a klást otázky! Přesně vědět, jak byla surovina vyrobena od začátku do konce. Zjistěte, kde byl skot zvednut, do jakých koželužnických kolážků byly poslány kůži a v jaké zemi.
Vyvarujte se produktů, které byly odeslány do nebo z koželužny v Číně. Vyvarujte se bělených bílých surovin. Zeptejte se, jaké chemikálie byly použity pro čištění kůží. Nakonec si přečtěte ingredience. Pokud tyto podrobnosti nenajdete, nekupujte produkt.
3. Vyberte si větší velikost a dohlížejte! Vyhoďte surovou kůži, jakmile je dostatečně malá nebo dostatečně měkká, aby spolkla.
Takže to jsou moje myšlenky. Dejte mi vědět své v komentářích!
V budoucnu plánuji dát svému štěně a svému dospělému psí občasné surové. Jsem nervózní ze všech typů žvýkání, ale surové koly jsou jednou z možností, se kterými jsem mnohem pohodlnější. Jak jsem řekl, ne všechny surové koly jsou stejné. Jde o nalezení nejlepší možnosti pro vaše odlišné štěně.
If you’ve fed your dogs rawhides for the last 30 years with no issues, there’s probably no reason to change. If rawhides make you nervous, there are plenty of other options available.
Do you give your canine rawhides? What else do you give your canine for chewing?
*This post includes affiliate links.
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What kinds of chews are best for puppies?
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